Tuesday, March 17, 2009

This is human nature... I think

I just got an email from a friend of mine who was angry and looking for some support. First of all she should know by now that I'm no good at support. I almost always play the devils advocate, which was quite easy to do in this situation.

She was shopping with her baby in the stroller and went to try on some clothes. The big change room and the only change room that would fit the stroller had 2 ladies and baby in it. Now these ladies were taking their sweet ass time and she got impatient and tried to fit into a smaller change room. When she couldn't, she left angry. Angry that the group in the larger change room didn't offer it to her when obviously they could take turns in the change room while the other watched kid, so she could have the big one. Her baby even started to cry a little.

My friend is super sweet and probably would have done just what she expected the others to do.

It's a good thing my friend wasn't around when I read her email, cause I laughed out loud at her naivity. Even more hilarious is the fact that she would send it to me. I'm pretty sure she knows better but maybe having a kid has caused her to forget how selfish and cynical I am.

I have a deep hate for people who shop in small stores with big strollers. I hate them because most days I only care about me, and they get in my way and impede my shopping experience. Oh, and if the kid starts to cry, then I feel an inner rage which causes me to punch the mom right in the face. So far 100% of the time this has occured only in my head. So far.

This is a total double standard, because if I'm shopping with someone who has kids, I expect everyone else to get out of the way. I mean its obviously easier for them to maneuvre than it is for someone with a stroller! Geez! Even when I'm a mom I'll probably hate OTHER people with strollers. Imagine, 2 strollers trying to get by each other in a store.

I can see the headline now:


1 comment:

notquiteawake said...

Ha ha! I think we're the same person somehow. Scary.