Monday, March 23, 2009

A real lazy sunday

Dear Andy Samburg

Yo Andy what's up!!! I'd like to start off by saying, I love you. I love to laugh and you make me laugh. I love you, I mean I REALLY love you. So please don't take this the wrong way, but your definition of a lazy sunday is a little, uhmm, let's say... ambitious.

You see, yesterday was sunday and *I* had a lazy sunday. I spent the entire day on my couch in my pjs. I rolled out of bed just after noon and wandered over to the couch. I left the couch only to pee and visit the refridgerator. I was even too lazy to drive out to my parents where my mom was offering a free home cooked meal. I turned down free food.

That my fine fine friend is lazy. You on the otherhand went for cupcakes and to a movie. Not only did you get dressed, but you left the house. When it comes to lazy, your effort is po. See how I'm even too lazy to finish the word poor, there's a lot I could teach you.

If you'd like you can come over and I could teach you how to be lazy. I am very good at it. Maybe after our lessons are through, you can take me to live with you in Awesometown. That would be awesome.


PS - I love you. And no I don't spend hours searching for videos of you on you tube. That's just crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, these guys suck at laziness- laziness is an art form, dammit!