Friday, December 26, 2008

Something for the holidays

I love the holidays and being with friends and family! There's something particulary magical about watching kids at Christmas. From the 5 year old who is so excited about everything he gets to the 6 month old who can't get enough of that shiny paper she's allowed to rip.

My mom kept calling our Christmas boring so I kept telling my mom that we are NOT boring... just cause we're old (all 20-somethings), doesn't make us boring. However, Christmas is so much more exciting with kids. I'll never admit this anywhere else, but if I'm being honest, I can't wait to experience Christmas with kids of my own.

Anyway, the holidays are over now. Which in a way is sad because I now must face the task of losing the 15lbs I've gained over the past few weeks. Me and the treadmill are going to start dating and mmmmmmm 3 times a day is how much I love egg whites and broccoli!

Torture starts in the morning.

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