Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My first redneck weekend starring the award winning fun destroyer: SNOW!

May long has always been famous for it's unpredictable poor weather. But the second coming of winter? Is that necessary?

Despite it all I went camping over the weekend. We had a little redneck commune set up where we lived under a tarp and as close to the fire as possible. Alcohol (termed anti-freeze for most of the weekend) certainly helped and the trailer was warm for sleeping. So all in all, I'll have to admit it was a pretty good time. Don't get me wrong, I'd much rather been camping under the heat of the sun, but sitting around a campfire has got to be one of my favorite things.

Here are a couple of pics:

Our commune:

Watching Dean and the kids build a snowman:

Next weekend I'm heading to Seattle, for the Sasquatch music festival and to celebrate memorial day long weekend. eeeeee!! I'm excited. Let's just hope the weather is better.


Anonymous said...

It looks fun- sitting around the campfire is one of my favorite things too.

Building a snowman on a camping trip is just wrong, though.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot- I'm giving you and NQA awards for your bloggy awesomeness, so head over to my blog and get to copy/pasting!