I think the universe is trying to tell me, I'm old. Well universe, you can CUT IT OUT!
The other day I offered to babysit for a friend of mine for an hour while her babysitter went to the dentist. As it turns out, during my college years, I used to babysit the babysitter. She was 1 year old. I swear I graduated from college just a couple years ago, so how can it be that she is now 12 years old? That's a dirty trick universe, a very dirty trick.
And while I'm at it, I like male attention, I really do. But the next time you send a gentlemen caller, can you please make sure he is at least shaving? There is a decade difference, an entire decade, and that is pretty malicious - even for you. The boys are incredibly sweet, and I'm flattered. I truly am. Now, knock if off.
I'm old, I get it, so, you can stop pointing it out repeatedly.
Boot Riders : Tribal Gang
The Boot Riders were a rag tag gang of migrant tribals before they got to
be known as the Chairmen.
The Boot Riders, a pack of miscreants, wer...
10 years ago