Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Open the door for me

This morning I woke in hell, only it had frozen over. I got up, got dressed, brushed a foot of snow off my car, went to skating practice, brushed another foot of snow off my car, went home, got ready for work and yet again cleared the car of snow. I get to work and someone has parked in my spot. ARRRGGGGHHH! So I find a spot, and trudge ALL THE WAY across the parking lot through 3 feet of snow (in stylish but completely inappropiate footwear) to grab my morning coffee at the gas bar AND, I have to open my own door - twice WHA???? YOU'VE GOT TO BE FRIGGIN KIDDING ME!!!!

Snow on my car, someone in my spot, my feet: cold and wet, that I could handle, but the door... The door is supposed to be opened for me as I come and leave... They started it, I did not ask for the special treatment, so how dare they take it away. Apparently its VERY important.

who knew

My car actually looked like this on 3 occasions this morning!


Anonymous said...

wow. i could not survive in the snow.
if i ever get rich, i'm totally becoming a snowbird. the tropics for half the year and vancity for the other half.

(thanks for the comment btw. always nice to know who's reading me. i'll add you to my blog roll)

Kat said...

Thanks!!! I'll snowbird with ya!