Tuesday, December 16, 2008


It's effing cold! Nope, it's fucking cold... there's no sugar coating that. There were times over the weekend where the temperatures hit below -35 celcius with the wind chill. Not cool mother nature, not cool. Actually too cool, waaay too cool.

My friend, Tara, from Vancouver will probably never come back here because her insides froze solid in mere seconds each time she stepped outside. Our activities were limited to indoors and it's Dawson Creek so there are not many to begin with.

We did manage to get up to a few shenanigans - especially on friday, where the night was to say the least - memorable. The highlight, a rousing game of scrabble we played before retiring just after midnight. Yes that really happened, but no that wasn't really the highlight. I know how to have a good time - really I do!

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