OMG! I've been sooo busy this week. We got back from Kelowna at 7:30am on Monday morning, I crawled off the bus and managed to make it to work by 8:30am the same day. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, I got to indulge in some sweet instructor eye-candy whilst learning about effective communication and the power of optimism. It's now friday and I'm back at work trying to do a whole week's worth in one day. Needless to say, I'm going to be here for a while.
Kelowna was fun! Except for the bus. Buses are never fun but they are way less fun when your driver is a complete freak. Not only did his excellent driving skills cause me to launch outta my seat on MULTIPLE occasions... he seemed to have some serious "issues" and needed to stop and use the washroom every 45 minutes or so. Sometimes, he'd just pull the bus over on the side of the highway and use the bus bathroom. COME ON! It's the middle of the night and I really want to yell "PLUG YOUR DAMN ASSHOLE AND STOP JERKING ME AROUND - I'M TRYING TO SLEEP" The poor girls at the back of the bus.
Competition went great, we skated super well. We can't really compare to the big teams that do Synchro full time but we managed to beat a team from Victoria to come in 4th so we were stoked!! We weren't the worst. :)
We skate to a Lion King theme...

That's some great hair - am I right??
I picked up soooo many jewels from the courses I took over the last 3 days and I'm certainly going to share, but right now I need to get back to work.
I'll be back...